FUSALMO innovated with the Virtual Party

November 13, 2020
Last Thursday, November 12, 2020, FUSALMO Virtual Party was held, with the slogan “Innovating with Joy”. The event was held through an online platform, which allowed attendees to interact in the different stands of friendly companies and connect to the different presentations with national and international guests, artistic, cultural, sports activities, video games, raffles, and much more.
It began at 8:00 with the Solemn Mass in charge of the President of FUSALMO, Father Pierre M. Vitelli, and then, the welcoming words of the Executive Director, Nelson Cruz, who expressed: “Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, this event It came to replace the Dinner of Joy, which every year made known the achievements that had been obtained, but FUSALMO did not want to stop, that is why this virtual event was set up for all of you”.
During the day, the spectators could enjoy different activities such as national and international lectures. We had as expositurees Ángel Dubon, from Microsoft; Sebastián Delmont; Alfredo Escalón, among others. We also developed artistic activities: FULSAMO Santa Ana Music School, FUSALMO Band, The group of Folkloric Dance Yulmaquitl, Andrea Barrera from FUSALMO San Miguel, Gustavo VII, “Mariachi del Pacífico” from Los Angeles, California; among others.
Besides, due to their commitment and work to carry our mission to more people, FUSALMO appointed Youth Ambassadors. They are Selma Ulloa, from Los Angeles, California. Henry Urbina and Célida Magaña, from El Salvador communication media. The effort and commitment of ambassadors who already support the work from California were also recognized: Gloria Hernández, Ana Ruth García, Jennifer Contreras, Oscar Gill and Silvia Gil.
To close, Nelson Cruz thanked the efforts of all the people who made this event take place, the participants and the general public that was present in each of the activities.
FUSALMO has been characterized by innovating with technology and providing spaces for healthy recreation, which over 19 years have benefited around 334,000 Salvadoran children and youth, through Sports and Music Schools. These kinds of events commit even more to innovation in the world of Salvadoran technology, seeking to strengthen the different programs that contribute to improving the well-being and quality of life of young people.