Education And Innovation, The Alternative To Face The Future

November 13, 2020
By: Lilian Aldana
Within the framework of the first virtual event at a national and international level carried out by the Salvador del Mundo Foundation, for the benefit of children and youth, the President of FUSALMO, Fr. Pierre Vitelli, shared the topic “Education and Innovation” and emphasized the importance of new technologies for the development of human activity in today’s world.
The president, Fr. Vitelli, considers it is vital to take advantage of and readapt to the new changes offered by technological advances since if they are used positively, it will be of great benefit to the current generation and those to come. “The truth is that the technology, and therefore the internet, is neither good nor bad, so the use that is given to these tools is what can be good or bad because it does not depend on it, but on us”.
Therefore, the key lies in knowing how to use the medium and squeeze its full potential, since the proper use of the tools of technology, communication, and the Internet make up the largest and best resource for current education.
For this reason, technology has become essential to use, in aspects such as health, education, the production of products, the provision of services, sales, among others. So the strategy is to readapted and thus be able to induce children, adolescents, and youth to make good use of artificial intelligence to be prepared and face the future.