Celebration of the VI Dinner of Joy.

On October 15, the celebration of the VI Dinner of Joy was held in Los Angeles, California in the United States, organized by FUSALMOUSA and the Salvador del Mundo Foundation (FUSALMO), with the aim of benefiting educational programs that respond to the needs of Salvadoran children, adolescents and youth.
The activity began with the participation and welcome of the President of FUSALMO, Father Pierre M Vitelli, who expressed: “First of all, I want to thank on behalf of all the boys, girls, adolescents and young people who attend our Youth Centers, on behalf of the Board FUSALMO Board, of the volunteers who share our mission and all the administrative staff of FUSALMO El Salvador for their generous presence at this VI Supper of Joy, to be held here in Los Angeles. Their presence constitutes a concrete help, invaluable solutions for difficult situations experienced by our recipients and their families”.
Similarly, the President of FUSALMOUSA, Matilde Mena, told those present: “I welcome you to the VI Cena la Alegría to benefit the programs of FUSALMO El Salvador, As FUSALMOUSA we want to reiterate our commitment to continue working to improve the living conditions of thousands of young people who benefit from the programs of FUSALMO El Salvador, but also also support initiatives that help the development of other young people in unfavorable situations in our communities here in the United States”.
In addition, during the development of the event there was the artistic participation of the Torogoz Ballet, Gustavo VII and Will Echegoyen.
Likewise, during the dinner, awards were given to the sponsors who supported the noble cause, in order to continue supporting FUSALMO educational programs, since it is one of the best ways to ensure a long-term solution to the challenges in El Salvador.
It should be noted that the funds raised at the VI Dinner of Joy will be used to contribute to the development of FUSALMO educational programs in its four categories: Comprehensive and Liberating Education, Youth Participation and Prominence, Educational Technology and Social and Labor Management.